Demos, le cycle des Nanodialogues - UK et Zimbabwe, 2006

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Nanodialogue 1- UK, janv.-fev. 2006: "A people’s inquiry on nanotechnology and the environment"

Co-promoteur: the Environment Agency.

Nanodialogue 2 - Zimbabwe, juil. 2006: "The Role of New Technologies in Potable Water Provision"

Co-promoteur: Practical Action, ONG

Nanodialogue 3 - UK, été 2006: "Engaging Research Councils"

Co-promoteurs: the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

EPRSC:Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - BBSRC: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council

Nanodialogue 4 - UK, dec.2006-janv.2007: "Engaging with corporate innovation"

Co-promoteur: Unilever

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